Mistletoe & Ball Moss Removal in Pflugerville and surrounding areas
Ball moss grows well in areas with low light, little airflow, and high humidity, which is commonly provided by southern shade trees, such as Live Oaks. Ball moss are circular photosynthesizers ranging in size from a golf ball to a softball. It is not a parasite like mistletoe. Ball moss is typically removed by hand. Other ways of removing this is with a high-pressure water spray, or with a fungicide that contains copper, which we have not found to work, or by spraying a baking soda mixture onto your tree to slow down the attaching process. The proliferation of ball moss has become a serious problem, killing native trees by the thousands of hectares. Ball moss is widely present around Central Texas, mostly in Live Oak trees. While all recognize that it is not a parasite like mistletoe (also widely prevalent in Central Texas), it can overload a tree’s under branches. It is often seen to be a precursor (but not causal) of a tree’s death as the ball moss will concentrate on the dead and dying branches. It is air born, so very difficult to completely remove from all your trees. If your neighbors still have it, then you will again.
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